August 2014

Mamex - Marek's Mandelbrot explorer

  • Basic interface, dockable windows, gradient editor on the bottom, saved areas an the right.
    Basic interface, dockable windows, gradient editor on the bottom, saved areas an the right.
  • Interface showing Mandelbrot set (left) that generates Jualia set (middle) which is then projected using mercator-like prijection (right).
    Interface showing Mandelbrot set (left) that generates Jualia set (middle) which is then projected using mercator-like prijection (right).
  • Perspective projection as an example of non-linear transformation. Linear transformations such as rotation, scale, or shear are supported as well.
    Perspective projection as an example of non-linear transformation. Linear transformations such as rotation, scale, or shear are supported as well.
  • Rendering interface.
    Rendering interface.
  • Full transparency support.
    Full transparency support.
  • Custom color picker with history and convenient ways how to select color.
    Custom color picker with history and convenient ways how to select color.

1 Introduction

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